Monday 7 December 2015

Editorial Illustration report

Editorial Illustration develops drawings to be incorporated in newspaper/magazine articles, advice columns, etc, and often represent the themes portrayed within the text. Examples of the methodologies found in this type of illustration are presented below. 
Interpretive Illustration - Social Commentary

For the first report, I created an illustration that reflects the interpretative sub-tones of certain accompanying texts. This image mirrors how people can feel trapped by society, and that your place in the world is always changing. It shows that, while we may have control of where we are, we cannot escape routine.

Article Illustration

For the second report, I created a small illustration to go alongside an article. The aim of the image was to visually describe what is in the article. This image represents how a person who gives advice, but does not take it themselves, ultimately has more problems than the person they are trying to help.

Using lightness and humour

For the third report, I drew an illustration of a dragon-like creature wearing a business suit. This portrays the scary and often unpredictable world of Business through a visual medium. The box on the creature's head is used to show that not all parts of Business are entirely factual, and that people need to be aware of made-up statistics and money-making methods.

Conceptualising the abstract

For the final report, I chose to conceptualise the abstract subject of the Underworld. While many modern interpretations have similar ideas on the visual design of the Underworld, this design remained somewhat simple, with a staircase leading underground to an endless pit of flames. The lighting in this illustration is successful, as I have shown a contrast between the foreground and background - strengthening the illusion of depth.


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